On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 33 second, third, and fourth graders arrived on campus for BT’s MLK Day of Service through STEM, bursting with excitement and ready to experiment.
The event pulled together many threads of the BT experience:
- Fostering a global mindset that spurs advocacy and service to others.
- Creating cross divisional opportunities that strengthen our students’ sense of pride in their school.
- Extending our curriculum outside the classroom with real world experiences.
- Engaging families and community partners to enhance the BT experience.
Our co-host for the event was JuSTEMagine, a nonprofit created by BT Upper School students to increase awareness and access to STEM and social emotional learning (SEL) education. The Upper School students had the opportunity to lead the event - first by modeling for the younger students how to conduct the biome and chemical reaction labs and then through the set up and execution of an assembly line to create STEM kits for Methodist Home, a children’s residential care facility in Georgia. The Lower School students gained hands-on experience in the Upper School labs and had the opportunity to become active supporters of JuSTEMagine's mission.
BT’s Portrait of Graduate speaks to our students’ shared duty of stewardship for the world they inhabit. A key part of being a global citizen is recognizing that their daily actions make an impact and their influence begins with their family, school, and local community. Our goal is for students to have many layered experiences, in the classroom and at events like Service through STEM, that help your child identify an impact only they can make and set them on a course to realize it. I look forward to helping them along in this process and seeing what they can accomplish!