All students in grades 9-12 have the opportunity to participate on the varsity Brownell Talbot speech team this upcoming winter season. BT has two new varsity speech coaches this season: Abhinav Suresh, '16, and Baylor Winters. Coach Suresh is a graduate of BT and is employed at InterAlpen Partners in Omaha. Coach Suresh graduated from Columbia University in 2020. Coach Winters is a student at University of Nebraska Omaha and majors in chemistry. Coach Winters is originally from McCook, NE. Both have extensive experience in speech and we are excited to have them coach the team this winter.
Upper School Speech Team Meeting
Friday, December 8
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm
The meeting will be held in the PE classroom at Brownell Talbot. Coach Suresh and Coach Winters will be on campus to go over the expectations for the upcoming season. BT will begin attending speech meets in January. Students interested in participating on the BT speech team must complete this form.