In December BT's Talbot MathCounts Team participated in the Central High Math Competition. Now that all results are finalized, it's official: BT placed 2nd overall! Out of 20 teams, they only lost to the eventual champion by 1 point. Jameson Conner-Carlisle, '28, took first place on the individual test for eighth graders and had the overall highest score of all of the students in attendance. Shaan Saxena, '29, placed 9th overall and 3rd among seventh graders on the individual test. While they didn't place in the math bowl, they had the most number of correct answers in the initial pool play rounds, winning their pool, but losing to the eventual 3rd place finisher in the quarter finals. On the team problem solving test, the team of David Welch, '28, Jameson Connor-Carlisle, and Nadia Jeyaram, '28, took 3rd place overall.