BT Welcomes Freedom Rider to Speak with Students

On February 28, BT welcomed Freedom Rider Carol Ruth Silver via Zoom to connect with fifth grade students and Upper School U.S. History students. Silver was one of the first two white women to be jailed in the Freedom Rides, an experience that sparked a career in law and politics, fighting for the rights of others. After graduating from the University of Chicago in 1960, where she first became involved in the civil rights movement, Silver went to work as a clerk at the United Nations. Before entering law school, she chose to travel South as a Freedom Rider. Arrested with her five companions in Jackson, Mississippi, she spent forty days in jail, later publishing her diary from that time as Freedom Rider Diary: Smuggled Notes from Parchman Prison in 2014. After listening to Silver detail the days leading up to her arrest, students were then invited to ask questions about her experiences as a civil rights advocate. 

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