On Monday, November 11, all Middle and Upper School students and teachers attended the 2024 Veterans Day Assembly hosted by the Middle School student council. After the presentation of colors and the national anthem, students heard about the origins of Veterans Day, members of the student council read the presidential Proclamation on National Veterans and Military Families Month 2024, and then Command Sergeant Major Dennis Krecklow spoke about his military service. The program ended with a stirring rendition of Amazing Grace with Taps (arranged by Nigel Williams) under the direction of Mr. JR Gould. Taps was played by D’Juan Buss, '26.
We would like to honor all veterans in the Brownell Talbot community. If you are a veteran, are currently serving, or have a family member who is or has served, please complete the following form to allow us to recognize your service. Thank you to all our veterans.