Team 1028 topped off another outstanding VEX robotics season by sending two robot teams from Upper School (1028A and 1028Z) and three teams from Middle School (1028J, 1028T and 1028Y) to the VEX World Championship in Dallas, TX. Nearly 1,300 teams from over 50 countries participated in the VEX World Championship.
Team 1028Z played well and made it to the Arts Division Semifinals with their alliance partner from Maryland. Team 1028A performed well in the robot skills challenge with their final ranking of 29th in the World in Robot Skills. Team 1028A also made it to elimination rounds in their division, choosing to align with a Canadian team. They lost to the first place seed in round 1 but 1028A did go on to win a judged award. To recognize a consistently high-performing and competitive robot, the VEX World Judges awarded the Amaze Award to team 1028A.
Teams 1028J and 1028Y also played well but unfortunately did not make it into elimination rounds. Team 1028T aligned with a team from Gross Catholic from Omaha in the elimination rounds--coincidentally, the same team they aligned with to win Nebraska State VEX Championship. The Nebraska Alliance beat the 3rd seed and made it to the quarterfinals. A great showing by Nebraska teams on the world stage!
1028 is a powerhouse robotics program who consistently performs well at the local, national and international level. If you are a student in grades 6-8, you can join the BT VEX Robotics four-day summer camp in June and see for yourself how much fun it is to design, build and program a robot!