Upper School journalism students have been hard at work this year capturing the activities, events, and programs that make the BT experience one-of-a-kind, and the yearbook staff is excited to announce that the 2023–2024 edition of The Triangle can now be preordered online using the Yearbook Forever website.
Seniors are provided a copy of the yearbook by the school, but all other students can place their orders up to February 12, 2024. The cost is $75 for the Middle/Upper School yearbook and $35 for the Lower School yearbook.
Order a Middle/Upper School Yearbook
There are still many moments and memories left to be made this school year, so yearbooks will be distributed by The Triangle staff during the last weeks of the spring semester.
Also, parents/guardians of seniors and eighth graders are reminded to purchase yearbook celebrations for those students who are graduating or moving on to high school. The Triangle staff is excited to work with families on designing celebrations that meet distinctive demands and visions; pictures/instructions can be sent to yearbook advisors Dr. Ramert ([email protected]) and Dr. Low ([email protected]). Questions about payment for ads ($175 for full page; $100 for half page) can be directed to Ms. Walters in the business office (x1005).