In an era of rapid educational transformation, Brownell Talbot is taking bold, strategic steps to ensure its continued excellence and forward thinking approach to learning. The school’s recent initiatives demonstrate a comprehensive commitment to reflection, growth, and student‑centered education.
During the 2023-2024 school year, faculty and staff worked together to develop and articulate the school’s core values. This deliberate process was designed to create a robust framework that directly aligns with the school’s mission and vision, providing a clear philosophical compass for the entire educational community. The resulting core values are not merely statements, but living principles that guide decision-making, shape interactions, and define the school’s culture.
These core values have already begun to be implemented in the current school year, infusing every aspect of the BT experience—from classroom instruction to community interactions, from administrative decisions to extracurricular activities. By embedding these values, BT ensures that its educational approach remains consistent, intentional, and true to its foundational beliefs.
BT’s Core Values
Integrity: We believe in doing the right thing; we show integrity by keeping commitments and telling the truth, even when it’s not easy.
Compassion: We believe in considering the unique needs of others; we show compassion by seeking to understand with genuine care, building a sense of belonging for everyone.
Respect: We believe in treating everyone with dignity; we show respect by valuing ourselves and others through our words and actions, and by taking great pride in our school.
Responsibility: We believe we are capable; we show responsibility by meeting expectations, finding solutions, and giving our best to each other.
Last school year, BT administration made the pivotal decision to extend the school’s current strategic plan to 2025. This deliberate choice allowed the school to align its strategic planning cycle with the Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS) re‑accreditation process, mirroring the successful alignment the school experienced in 2019. It proved to be immensely beneficial, providing a unique opportunity to engage in deep, comprehensive reflection about the school’s identity, aspirations, and pathways to achieve its mission, vision, and goals. Preparation for strategic planning and re-accreditation has already begun.
In October, BT welcomed education leadership consultant Ted Fish to campus. Fish conducted a series of focus group sessions with faculty and staff, Upper School students, parents, trustees, and BT’s Administrative Team, helping to uncover new perspectives and ideas. These sessions focused on the current strategic plan, exploring current and enduring trends in education, and envisioning the future of BT.
To ensure a comprehensive view of the BT experience was captured, the school conducted a community-wide survey in November. The survey included alumni, whose perspectives are crucial in understanding the long-term impact of a BT education.
The information culled in October and November will be used to create structures and implement strategies for success during strategic planning and re-accreditation efforts next school year.
These early strategic planning conversations identified opportunities to enhance BT’s educational model. The Assistant Head of Academics position has been restructured to create two strategic hires reflecting a deep commitment to student support and academic excellence. This change provides a deliberate realignment of leadership resources connected to our mission. The new positions:
Dean of Lower School - this position will serve as the educational leader of Lower School, working closely with students, families, faculty, and staff. The dean will be a nurturing student advocate and champion who guides the academic and social-emotional development of Lower School students.
In January BT announced that current fifth grade teacher Dr. Natalie Simms will serve as Dean of Lower School beginning next academic year. Simms brings impressive credentials and experience to this role, including a doctorate in interdisciplinary leadership from Creighton University and expertise in reading instruction. She also brings valuable external perspective through her board service with the Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS) and her leadership role at the Gardner Carney Leadership Institute.
Student Support Services Teacher - thisposition will oversee learning support systems for Early Years - grade 12, developing and implementing targeted intervention programs to strengthen academic skills of students. The teacher will also support faculty with instructional differentiation, including accommodations, modifications, and enrichment.
During the 2025-2026 school year, BT will form a strategic planning committee to inform both the strategic plan and the self-study report, building on the groundwork already established.
This methodical approach underscores BT’s dedication to continuous improvement, community engagement, and creating an adaptive, student-centered educational environment. By carefully aligning strategic planning with accreditation processes, identifying organizational enhancements, developing meaningful core values, and actively seeking input from its diverse community, BT is positioning itself as a forward‑thinking institution committed to excellence in education.