Grades 9-11 Practice Tests on Wednesday, October 9
US Buzz

All ninth - eleventh grade students will be participating in practice testing during the morning of Wednesday, October 9.

Ninth grade: PreACT in the James MS/US Library
Freshmen will need to bring two #2 pencils (not mechanical), an eraser, and a calculator.

Tenth and eleventh grades: Digital PSAT in the Scott Gymnasium
Sophomores and juniors need to bring a fully charged laptop and their charging cord.

Twelfth grade students will use this time to work on college applications and will report to school no later than 12:05 pm. 

All testers may also bring a healthy snack for break. They will not be allowed to have additional items in the testing area including backpacks or phones and will not be able to visit their locker during breaks (we recommend that freshmen leave their bags in their lockers, and sophomores and juniors place their bags in the designated area in the gym). Students should get a good night’s sleep as well as have a healthy and hearty breakfast on the morning of the test. 

Students should arrive to their testing room at 7:45 am. The test begins at 8:00 am, and once the test is started, ACT and Collegeboard prohibit additional students from joining the exam. Students will not be attending their morning classes. Students will dress in formal uniform since test day falls on a Chapel day.

The PreACT and PSAT are excellent opportunities for our students to get a feel for the standardized test environment, as well as receive information on areas of strength as well as potential for growth as they begin to prepare for their college entrance exams. These tests are risk-free for the students since scores are not sent to colleges. 

If you have questions, please contact Director of College Counseling and Guidance Brianna Vander Vorst at [email protected].