A world-class education deserves world-class spaces.  
This is the future we are building together.

Thanks to foundational support for our campus plan, including visionary gifts from Debbie and Brian Wood, BT Legacy Families, the Board of Trustees, and the BT Foundation Board, we are now taking a major step forward and embarking on a transformational project for our school. Together, we are raising the bar for our students by setting a new standard for excellence in learning environments, facilities, and technologies within global education.

The renderings seen throughout this page are a vision for the future and may be updated as the project progresses. 

Project Details & Renderings | Communications | Bidding Adieu, Building AnewFAQs | Question Form



Guided by a Strategic Plan

We have been guided over the past several years by a forward-thinking strategic plan, establishing priorities for how we fulfill our mission and continue to innovate and set the standard for learning environments. 


East Campus Transformation

Replacing the current Lower School building will be a new state-of-the-art, 50,000 sq. ft. wing for Early Years and Lower School classrooms. This dynamic, connective addition will also facilitate a new main entrance, as well as floor plans that are more conducive to the range of scholastic and extracurricular activities taking place on campus.

Systems & Infrastructure Upgrades

Major improvements will include advanced classroom technologies, much-needed mechanical upgrades, enhanced airflow and air exchange systems, and telecommunications infrastructure to support learning. 

As ever, safety and security will be at the forefront of all campus improvements.

Community Spaces

A new main entrance and atrium, reimagined dining hall, and new Lower and Middle School gym will infuse campus life with vibrant and flexible spaces for gatherings, performances, athletic offerings, competitions, project-based learning opportunities, and more.

Building Progress 


June 2024August 2024Spring 2026
Lower School demolition beginsCampus transformation beginsAnticipated project completion


Campus Transformation

Construction will take place from summer 2024 through spring 2026. This process will bring some temporary changes to campus life, including: 

  • A new flow for drop-off and pickup
  • Modifications to campus parking
  • Schedule and location adjustments for some activities

As the new Lower School is built, Early Years, kindergarten, and grade 1 classrooms will relocate to a thoughtfully built section of our campus, Raiderville. Though temporary, these classrooms will all be equipped with the features, amenities, and attention to detail found throughout campus.

Remaining unchanged throughout this process is our unwavering commitment to providing an outstanding experience for all of our students at all times. 

Campus site map


A Note from our Head of School

For 160 years, Brownell Talbot has been devoted to providing an unparalleled education that prepares our students for the future and empowers them to make a positive impact on the world. This monumental project is a reflection of our community’s inspiring and enduring commitment to our students, informed by a forward-thinking campus master plan, to ensure that BT’s goals for a world-class education are appropriately matched with world-class facilities.

Please know that timely communications to our families, students, faculty, staff, and neighbors will be a priority throughout the project. We look forward to sharing updates and campus details — as well as opportunities for our entire BT community to contribute to the project’s success through a forthcoming capital campaign.

Thank you for taking this journey with us and for building the future of Brownell Talbot together. 

Kristi N. Gibbs, Ed.D.
Head of School

Video Announcement


Bidding Adieu, Building Anew

As we close out the 2023-2024 academic year, we are inviting the BT community to share memories of our current Lower School, as well as intentions for the exciting future we are building together. These reflections will be collected in a time capsule that will carry forward into our new east campus facilities. 

We hope you'll join us in sharing your own personal stories and hopes on our Bidding Adieu, Building Anew message board


FAQs About the Campus Transformation Project

Preparations for construction are underway and planning will continue throughout early 2024. The following are some key questions that we can address at this time, with the understanding that additional logistical plans and details will be shared in the months ahead and in advance of the 2024-2025 school year. 


Have a Question?




Debbie and Brian Wood Family
BT Legacy Families
BT Board of Trustees
BT Foundation Board

Project Partners
Rainwood Development Partners
Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture
MCL Construction
Emspace + Lovgren